Photography has been in my blood since I was old enough to hold a camera.  The early years included Insta-matic's with cube flash bulbs, Polaroid's and eventually my first SLR body.  After several years of film shooting I made the switch to digital in 2008 and life changed forever!  Being our family and school historian has allowed me to connect with family and friends in a more meaningful way.  I have now archived over 1,000,000 images and my collection of hard drives is growing rapidly as well;-)
I remember being warned as a new Father that time goes fast and not to miss a moment.  Anyone that knows me can attest, it's rare for me not to have a camera wherever I go.  My favorite subjects are my three beautiful children, Jenna, David and Daniel.  They have blessed me with some of the best photographic memories!  I have also grown very fond of the beauty that exists in nature and landscapes. These captured images allow us and others to enjoy and share these experiences over and over again.  Additionally, our family story line is well documented for many generations to come.  
Thanks for sharing my artist representation of life's events and ultimately, the beauty of God's creation.  
Your questions and/or comments are always welcome.
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